Richard Kelly

Richard Kelly

Artist Statement:   
I use my camera to experience this place where I stand. The viewfinder helps me to see this place. I photograph first for myself. The camera is my excuse to go and see things.

My second purpose is showing you what I see. This evidence may be factual but is not always true. I see this place my way. Through my frame. What you see is what I want you to see. Documentary photography reveals what is there but not everything. My camera allows me to frame this place the way I want you to see it.

Your experience is yours alone. My work is to show you what I want you to see, and in this picture, this is as much a reflection on Pittsburgh's today. And a preview of what we may see in the future. With my camera, I frame places for you to see.

A white man with short brown hair and a blue shirt is pictured next to a sepia-toned photograph of barges in the river, with the skyline of Downtown Pittsburgh visible in the background