Paige Kleinfelder

Paige Kleinfelder 

Artist Statement:
In my current oil paintings, I focus on creating a realistic but idealized depiction of signs and structures by eliminating much of the environment in which the signs are found. These works showcase both still functional and now abandoned subjects in an effort to catalog local landmarks and preserve them for the future. I aim to capture a visual nostalgia of these signs and locations that possess the ability to conjure memories for those who view them. Rather than needing the audience to have connections to the specific locations, the narrative created by the paintings recalls similar neighborhoods from town to town.

A collage of three images. On the left is a portrait of a white person with long brown hair. They are smiling and looking off camera. On the right are details of two oil paintings of signs. On the top is a painting of a waffle shop sign, on the bottom is a portion of a wooden sign for Route 66 Dinor"