Arts Advocates and Government Funders

We work with many arts advocacy groups and institutional funders on the local, state, and federal levels to support the arts in our region.

The national and state arts budgets are regularly debated issues. Government grants comprise a small but significant portion of arts nonprofit funding, as they have been shown to attract investment from other private and public funders. Annual funding appropriations are determined by the House and Senate Appropriations Committees overseeing the U.S. Department of the Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies.

Greater Pittsburgh Arts Council advocacy priorities are rooted in research and community conversations. Our local partners and community leaders understand that arts and culture are a vital partner in the sustainable future of our region.

National Arts Advocates and Funders

Americans for the Arts - Advocate

Americans for the Arts the nation's leading nonprofit organization for advancing the arts and arts education. The Greater Pittsburgh Arts Council is a member of Americans for the Arts, which connects us to arts advocates and organizations around the country. Some of the advocacy programs offered by Americans for the Arts include:

  • National Arts Action Summit/National Arts Advocacy Day: Historically, the Arts Council has led a delegation of Pittsburgh arts leaders to Washington, DC, where they meet with elected officials to discuss a unified, national arts agenda.
  • United States Urban Arts Federation (USUAF): The Arts Council’s CEO is a member of this alliance that brings together the chief executives of local arts agencies in the nation's 60 largest cities. These leaders advocate, network, and meet to discuss the social, educational, and economic impact of the arts in their regions.

Be An #ArtsHero - Advocate

Be An #ArtsHero is an intersectional grassroots campaign comprised of Arts & Culture workers, Unions, and institutions in the United States pushing the Senate to allocate proportionate relief to the Arts & Culture sector of the American economy

National Endowment for the Arts - Funder

The National Endowment for the Arts has expanded access to the arts for all Americans, awarding grants in every Congressional district throughout all 50 states and U.S. Territories. The NEA is the largest single funder of the arts in the United States, though most direct public funding is distributed through other federal, state, regional, and local agencies. The NEA’s financial support originates with the federal government, so we take every opportunity to advocate for sustaining or growing their funding.

National Endowment for the Humanities - Funder

National Endowment for the Humanities grants fund various categories of cultural institutions nationwide, and we advocate for them the same way we do for the NEA.

Regional Advocates and Funders

Citizens for the Arts in Pennsylvania - Advocate

Citizens for the Arts in Pennsylvania is a statewide arts advocacy organization that is uniquely positioned to speak out on behalf of the arts. Citizens communicates the value of the arts to decision makers in media, government, corporate, and philanthropic sectors and takes a stand on legislation and public policy that affect the arts.

Greater Philadelphia Cultural Alliance - Advocate

The Greater Philadelphia Cultural Alliance strengthens and gives voice to over 400 member organizations in the Greater Philadelphia region, creating research reports on the health and growth of the region's cultural sector, grantmaking in partnership with the Pennsylvania Council on the Arts, and offering professional development and audience development services.

PA Legislative Arts and Culture Caucus - Advocate

The PA Legislative Arts and Culture Caucus the largest bicameral, bipartisan caucus in the General Assembly in Harrisburg with 91 members. The Caucus aims to help members understand issues confronting arts and culture, draft legislation, and analyze pending legislation that advances Pennsylvania arts and culture.

Pennsylvania Council on the Arts - Funder

Housed in the Office of the Governor, since being established in 1966, the Pennsylvania Council on the Arts (PCA) has been working to foster the excellence, diversity, and vitality of the arts in Pennsylvania and to broaden the availability and appreciation of those arts throughout the state. As a state arts agency, the PCA is responsible for allocating funds received from the National Endowment for the Arts through various programs such as Responsive Funding, Arts in Education, Preserving Diverse Cultures, and the Creative Entrepreneur Accelerator Grant Program.

Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission - Funder

The Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission (PHMC) preserves the Commonwealth's memory as a teacher and champion of its heritage for citizens of Pennsylvania and the nation. PHMC funding is allocated through the state, federal, and special funds, which are distributed to qualified museums and historical societies through grants and used to support state archives.

Other State Advocates and Funders

In addition to the entities above, we would like to highlight the Pennsylvania Humanities Council, PA Museums, the PA State Board of Education and the Pennsylvania Department of Education, and the Pennsylvania Tourism Partnership.

Local Advocates and Funders

Allegheny Regional Asset District - Funder

For over 25 years, the Allegheny Regional Asset District has invested in Allegheny County's quality of life through financial support of libraries, parks and trails, arts and cultural organizations, regional attractions, sports and civic facilities, and public transit.

Greater Pittsburgh Nonprofit Partnership - Advocate

The Greater Pittsburgh Nonprofit Partnership is a coalition of about 350 nonprofit agencies in the Southwestern Pennsylvania region dedicated to providing a unified voice for the nonprofit sector.